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Products: Registration Portal
Functionalities: Registration
Product version: 3.3, 2022

System Registration

arrow1_rotationOnline Registration arrow1_rotationOffline Registration

As the owner, you register your EcoStruxure BMS to ensure that you are informed of the latest product news, relevant offers, and system updates. This information enables you to optimize maintenance and functionality of your system, protect asset value, and produce a healthier building for optimal comfort conditions.

You register your EcoStruxure BMS online or offline through EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation. If you register online, the registration information you provide is displayed in the WorkStation and WebStation log on page.

For more information, see Online Registration .

For more information, see Offline Registration .

You can verify and edit your registration details any time when needed.

There are several registration options:

  • You can register a stand-alone Automation server.

  • You can register an Enterprise Server together with connected Automation servers.

  • You can register an Enterprise Central server together with connected Enterprise Servers and Automation servers.

Regardless of your system complexity, you register only the server from the top level of your hierarchy. Lower tier servers inherit registration information. The system will use the existing registration whenever possible.

Online Registration

You register an EcoStruxure BMS online when the EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation is connected to the Internet.

For more information, see Online Registration .

Offline Registration

You register an EcoStruxure BMS offline when the system is not connected to the Internet. If there is no Internet connection, the system prompts you to offline registration.

For more information, see Offline Registration .

  • WorkStation Overview
  • Online Registration
  • Offline Registration