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User Interface

User Interface

Products: WebStation
Functionalities: Trends
Product version: 2022

Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right Axis Tab

Use the Right axis tab in WebStation to change the settings for the right axis of a trend chart.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Right axis tab

Right axis tab

Table: Right Axis Tab



Show gridlines for right Y-axis

Select True to show grid lines originating from the right y-axis scale.  For more information, see Showing Trend Chart Grid Lines .

Right scale

Select if you want to display the axis linear or logarithmic.

Auto scale right Y-axis 

Select True to activate auto scale. The scale of the right axis automatically adapts to the displayed series. For more information, see Automatically Configuring the Y-axis Scale .

Clear to deactivate auto scale. Manually scale the left axis by typing values in the Right Y-axis minimum and Right Y-axis maximum boxes

Right Y-axis minimum 

Type the minimum value of the right y-axis. For more information, see Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale .

Right Y-axis maximum

Type the maximum value of the right y-axis. For more information, see Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale .

  • Trend Chart Series in WebStation
  • Trend Series
  • Trend Chart Series Menu
  • Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis Tab
  • Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series Tab