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Products: WebStation
Functionalities: Basic Functionality
Product version: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022

Log Gauge

A log gauge displays trend log values in a gauge.

Using the guides, you can configure the scale of the gauge to display different colors in different ranges on the scale.

You can use two methods to display the value in the gauge a needle or an indication scale inside the gauge.

For example, you want a log gauge that displays log values between 0 and 30. Values under 10 are too low and will be marked blue. Values between 10 and 20 are ok and will be marked green. Values between 20 and 30 are too high and will be marked red. You want a needle to indicate the value on the gauge scale.

Configure the scale for the gauge using the min value 0 and the max value 30.

Add three Guides in the Guide field. Configure them as follows:

  • Value = 10 and color blue. This makes the value range 0 to 10 blue in the gauge.

  • Value = 20 and color green. This makes the value range 11 to 20 green in the gauge.

  • Value = 30 and color red. This makes the value range 21 to 30 red in the gauge.

You can make the indicator color black and use the needle to display the value.

If you set the indicator color to black but forget to set Use needle to true you get a black indicator inside the gauge that displays the value.

  • How Dashboards Work
  • Dashboard Widgets
  • Configuring a Log Gauge