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How to

How to

Products: WorkStation
Functionalities: Alarms
Product version: 1.9

Enabling State-Change Logging of an Alarm

You enable the state-change logging of an alarm.

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Every time an alarm changes its state, such as from alarm state to reset state, an event is written in the event log and shown in the Events pane in WorkStation. You can disable state-change logging if you are only interested in the current alarm status. For example, you want to present the current alarm status in a graphic and do not care about the event history.


In the Alarm view, the value in the Count column counts +1 each time an alarm changes to alarm state. When the alarm state changes to normal, the count is reset to zero.

For more information, see Count .

To enable state-change logging of an alarm
  • ​In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, right-click the alarm you want to log and then click ​ Enable state-change logging .

  • Alarm State-Change Logging
  • Alarms Pane and Alarm View
  • Hiding an Alarm
  • Showing a Hidden Alarm
  • Unhiding a Hidden Alarm
  • Disabling an Alarm
  • Alarms Pane and Alarm View Toolbar