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User Interface

User Interface

Products: Automation Server, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Functionalities: Trends
Product version: 1.9

Series Tab Context Menu

Use the Series tab to open the series context menu, where you can change the presentation of series, show or hide events, markers, and series, bring to front and remove series, as well as open the trend chart settings dialog box.

The series tabs are located at the bottom leftmost if there are series attached to the left y-axis, and at the bottom rightmost if there are series attached to the right y-axis.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Series tab with the series context menu

Series tab with the series context menu

Table: Series Tab with the Context Menu




Select to display the series as a line.

Discrete line

Select to display the series as a discrete line.


Select to display the series as a digital line.


Select to display the series as bars.


Select to present the series with event symbols.


Select to hide or display the series in the trend chart.


Select to display a marker for each record. Markers can only be shown for lines and discrete lines, not for digital and bars.

Bring to front

Click to display the series in front of the others.

Remove series

Click to remove series from the trend chart.

Open trend chart settings

Click to open the property dialog box for the trend chart and its series.

  • Trend Charts
  • Trend Chart View
  • Trend Chart Event Icons
  • Trend Chart Does Not Show Trend Log Series