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Products: Automation Server, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Functionalities: Basic Functionality
Product version: 1.9


arrow1_rotationFlexible Workspace arrow1_rotationUser rights

​WorkStation is the interface where you supervise your Building Operation system. In WorkStation you can also create, modify, and delete some of the objects that are used to build a Building Operation system.


​​Ensure that you have a working and available WorkStation license. A working license is required to log on to WorkStation. For more information, see Licenses .

action_zoom_plus_stroke WorkStation and SmartStruxure server

WorkStation and SmartStruxure server

Flexible Workspace

In WorkStation, you can optimize the workspace for every user. For example in a big building complex, the janitor of Building A might only see Building A and the associated alarms and trend logs, not the whole complex.

On the other hand, the administrators workspace lets them supervise all buildings in the complex, their alarms and trend logs on the site.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Different workspaces in WorkStation

Different workspaces in WorkStation

User rights

The user rights in WorkStation are used to control what every user might do in the system. Some users can view a trend log but not change the presentation. Others users can change everything in a trend log, including values, and even create a new trend log.

  • Licenses
  • Workspaces
  • Utilities