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How to

You can use a service_blacklist to direct the EcoStruxure BMS server to send ReadProperty requests, rather than ReadPropertyMultiple requests. They are used to request multiple attributes of different objects with a single request.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with the boolean datatype of true or false.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with a datatype of enumerated.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with a datatype of integer.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with a value of on or off.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with a datatype of real.

User Interface

Use the Basic tab to configure the time and value pair for a property reference with a datatype of unsigned.


Building Operation supports the major communication protocols in building automation and security management.

How to

In a Timed Force Multistate object, you configure one or more state values to define a text string associated with each of those values.


In Building Operation, the floating point values “Not a Number”, positive infinity, or negative infinity may be displayed in the Basic property tab, in a trend log list, or a trend chart.