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Schneider Electric is a global Company that commits to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal information in compliance with applicable laws. In its efforts to protect personal information, Schneider Electric has adopted a Global Data Privacy Policy, which imposes common rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by all Schneider Electric entities globally.

User Interface

Use the Add File Extension dialog box to add a file extension to the Permitted File Extensions list.

User Interface

Use the Document Policy toolbar to edit the Permitted File Extensions list.

User Interface

Use the Document Policy View to edit the Permitted File Extensions list.


You can increase the security in your system by configuring the document policy. The document policy controls which file types a user can open, save, and import.

User Interface

Use the Edit File Extension dialog box to edit a file extension on the Permitted File Extensions list.

User Interface

How to

You remove a file extension from the Permitted File Extensions list to increase the security of your Building Operation system by preventing users from opening, saving, and importing files with a certain file extension.

How to

You add a file extension to the Permitted File Extensions list so users in the Building Operation system can open, save, and import files with that file extension.

How to

You edit a file extension on the Permitted File Extensions list to make it possible for users in the Building Operation system to open, save, and import files with a certain extension.