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996 Topic(s)

How to

You can use a service_blacklist to direct the EcoStruxure BMS server to send ReadProperty requests, rather than ReadPropertyMultiple requests. They are used to request multiple attributes of different objects with a single request.


​Values in Building Operation are stored in the Building Operation database with all input decimals. If a stored value consists of more decimals than the operating system is defined to display, the value is rounded off according to the operating system settings before it is displayed in WorkStation.

Hardware Installation


How to

You duplicate a SmartStruxure server from a backup set using Restore when you want to reuse configuration data from a backup set in a standalone SmartStruxure server device.

How to

You configure an alarm decoration rule to change the properties that are overridden.

How to

You configure the properties of an enumeration alarm to meet the unique needs of your site.

How to

You configure the properties of a sum alarm to meet the unique needs of your site.

How to

You configure the properties of a out of reference range alarm to meet the unique needs of your site.

How to

You configure the properties of an out of range alarm to meet the unique needs of your site.