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User Interface

User Interface

Products: WorkStation
Functionalities: Alarms, Basic Functionality
Product version: 1.9

Alarms Pane Context Menu - Alarm View Settings Submenu

Use the Alarm View Settings submenu to change the way alarms are presented.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Alarm View settings submenu

Alarm View settings submenu

Table: Alarm View Settings Submenu



Display Alarm View on alarm

Click to display an Alarm View in a new window when an alarm is triggered. For more information, see Displaying an Alarm View when an Alarm is Triggered .

Edit standard filter

Click to open the Select Conditions dialog box, where you sort out the information in the Alarms pane or an Alarm View. For more information, see Select Conditions Dialog Box .

Save as standard layout

Click to save the current Alarms pane or Alarm View layout as the standard layout for all users and for the Alarms pane or the specific Alarm View.

Reset standard layout to factory default

Click to reset the Alarms pane or Alarm View standard layout to factory default.

Add/Remove columns

Click to open the Add/Remove columns dialog box to add or remove columns from the Alarms pane or Alarm View. For more information, see Add/Remove Columns Dialog Box .


Click to open the Alarm View properties dialog box to view and edit the properties of the Alarms pane or Alarm View. For more information, see Alarm View Properties .

Alarm state sort order

Click to open the Alarm state sort order dialog box to determine how alarms will be sorted when the column State is used for sorting the alarms in the Alarms pane or an Alarm View. For more information, see Changing the Alarm State Sort Order .

Detail view

Click to open a detailed view for the selected alarm. For more information, see Alarm and Event Detail View .

  • Displaying an Alarm View when an Alarm is Triggered
  • Select Conditions Dialog Box
  • Add/Remove Columns Dialog Box
  • How Alarms Work
  • Alarm View Properties
  • Changing the Alarm State Sort Order
  • Alarm and Event Detail View
  • Alarm View and Event View Standard Filter and Layout
  • Alarms Pane Context Menu