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Products: WebReports
Functionalities: Reports
Product version: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Energy Monitoring Calendar Consumption Report

The Energy Monitoring Calendar Consumption report displays daily energy consumption. A monthly thumbnail view of each day shows the consumption in a line graph view. You can zoom in on a specific day or select multiple days and see the days overlaid on each other. This report shows consumption trends, and is useful for identifying deviations and exceptions.

The following table shows the input parameters for the report.

Table: Energy Monitoring Calendar Consumption Input Parameters

Input Parameters



Specifies the meter or site included in the report.

Calendar month

Specifies the month to display on the report. Each day of the month is represented by a graph of that day’s energy consumption.

Utility type

Specifies the type of utility (gas, electricity, or meter).

  • Factory Supplied Reports
  • Energy Monitoring Reports
  • Creating the Energy Folder
  • Creating a Site
  • Configuring a Site
  • Creating a Meter
  • Configuring a Meter
  • Associating an Extended Trend Log with an Energy Meter
  • Energy Object Tagging
  • Add Existing Tags Dialog Box
  • Attaching a New Tag to an Energy Object
  • Attaching an Existing Tag to an Energy Object
  • Deleting an Energy Object Tag
  • Site Properties – Basic Tab
  • Energy Folder Properties – Basic Tab
  • Electricity Meter Properties – Basic Tab
  • Gas Meter Properties – Basic Tab
  • Meter Properties – Basic Tab