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User Management

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How to

You configure the permissions users or user groups have to a path to grant or limit permissions to that path.


You can manage permissions by configuring the permissions for a given user account or user account group to a certain object in the System Tree pane or List View and below that object, for example, a folder and its contents.


A user account group has the full set of path permissions to the Enterprise Server and no permissions to the Servers folder on the Enterprise Server. A single user account has the full set of path permissions to Automation Server 1, but no path permission to Automation Servers 2 and 3. Even though the user account group has no path permission to the Servers folder, it is possible to give individual user accounts access to individual Automation Servers in the Servers folder.

User Interface

Use the Workspaces submenu to switch to another workspace.


User accounts are used to control user activities in Technician Tool.

User Interface

Use the Building Operation WorkStation window to log on to WorkStation.

User Interface

Use the Group Membership tab to edit the group membership settings of a user account group.

User Interface

Use the User Account properties dialog box to configure the properties of a user account.


You can map Windows Active Directory groups to Building Operation user account groups if Building Operation runs on a network that uses this directory to manage users and user account groups. A Building Operation user account group that includes a Windows account group can be member of another Building Operation user account group.

How to

You create a user account group to make it easier to manage users who require the same software permissions and workspaces.