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Products: Automation Server, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Functionalities: Alarms
Product version: 1.9

System Alarm ID M-NW8 R

Listed below are the System Alarms with IDs that begin with the letters M-NW8 R.

Table: System Alarms M

System Alarm ID


Module type mismatch

The module type based on the user’s configuration is different from the type of the actual physical module occupying the same slot.

Table: System Alarms Ne-No

System Alarm ID


NETWORK 8000 message

An unknown NETWORK 8000 message with specific included contents was received.

NETWORK 8000 message end

End of a NETWORK 8000 unknown message.

Network offline

The server cannot connect to the specified network.

New application program

The Xenta device has received a new valid application.

No file name set

No file name has been specified.

No valid Blueprint File

Invalid Xenta device program definition.

Not enough flash memory for log

The request was valid but could not be performed because there is not enough flash memory.

Not enough RAM memory for log

The request was valid but could not be performed because there is not enough RAM memory.

Notification files storage capacity reached

Storage capacity has been reached for notification files. For more information, see Deleting a Notification Written to a File .

Table: System Alarms NW8 A-D

System Alarm ID


NW8 Application error 1

The pressure sensor in the MnFlo controller failed.

NW8 Application error 16

Heat Setpoint in the MnHpfc controller is greater than the Cool Setpoint.

NW8 Application error 2

The MnFlo controller has a large negative pressure, greater than –0.1 in. WC.

NW8 Application error 4

The MnFlo controller has a large positive pressure, greater than 2.2 in. WC.

NW8 Application modified

Something in the database of the controller has changed.

NW8 AS1 diagnostic

The input AS:1 on the PEM1 controller is either open or shorted.

NW8 ASD message

An alarm was received from an unknown source.

NW8 AT1 diagnostic

The AT:1 input on a PEM1 controller is either open or shorted.

NW8 AT2 diagnostic

The AT:2 input on a PEM1 controller is either open or shorted.

NW8 Command failure

The controller did not recognize the command.

NW8 Configuration error

The configuration settings of the controller are not compatible with the hardware.

NW8 Damper range error

This indicates the damper has a full stroke range of less than 14° of rotation.

NW8 Database initialized

The database in the controller was reset to its initial state.

NW8 Database modified

Some properties in the database of the controller have changed.

NW8 Device cold reset

The controller has been reset and the contents of RAM were lost. All historical data is lost.

NW8 Device reset

The MICROFLO II controller has been reset after the last communication with the SmartStruxure server.

NW8 Device warm reset

The controller has been reset but the contents of RAM were not lost. The historical data has been maintained.

NW8 Duct temperature out of range

The Duct Temperature is enabled and out of range.

Table: System Alarms NW8 E-R

System Alarm ID


NW8 EEprom checksum error

The controller’s EEPROM memory has a checksum error.

NW8 EEprom memory error

The EEPROM Memory in the Flo2 controller has been corrupted.

NW8 Freeze error

The blocks in the controller are not executing. This error is usually due to a corrupted database.

NW8 Joins LCM network event

The LCM controller is now communicating.

NW8 Joins network event

The controller is now communicating.

NW8 Leaves LCM network event

The LCM controller is no longer communicating.

NW8 Leaves network event

The controller is no longer communicating.

NW8 Leaves/joins LCM network

An LCM controller has joined or left the LCM network.

NW8 Leaves/joins network

A controller has joined or left the network.

NW8 Missing changeover input

Missing changeover input for a fan coil application.

NW8 No U-Link communication

There is no active U-Link communication to the sensor.

NW8 Pressure error

The Velocity Pressure is out of range (-0.2 to 2.1 in. WC).

NW8 RAM failure

The controller is unable to read or write RAM.

NW8 Relay failure

The controller has detected that the relay xx (from 01 to 48) action did not follow the command.

NW8 ROM failure

The controller may have a bad ROM chip.

  • System Alarm ID List
  • System Alarms
  • System Alarm ID A-D
  • System Alarm ID E-L
  • System Alarm ID NW8 S-NW8 Z
  • System Alarm ID P-S
  • System Alarm ID T-X
  • Deleting a Notification Written to a File