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Products: Automation Server, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Functionalities: Alarms
Product version: 1.9

System Alarm ID P-S

Listed below are the System Alarms with IDs that begin with the letters P-S.

Table: System Alarms P

System Alarm ID


Parser failed

Failed to parse Xenta application.

Port offline

Lon interface is offline.

Table: System Alarms S

System Alarm ID


Serial port in use

The serial port is already in use.

Server configuration error

Server configuration error.

Server not restarted Backup in process

Server is not restarted because a Backup operation is ongoing.

Server not restarted Other

Server is not restarted for a reason other than a backup and restore operation is in progress.

Server not restarted Restore in process

Server is not restarted because a Restore operation is ongoing.

Server offline

Server is offline.

Shadow update failed

Processing the update of a shadow object failed.

Signal alarm

Used for testing purposes only.

Signal Event

Used for testing purposes only.

SNMP send trap failure

Failed to send SNMP message.

System cold start

System cold start initiated by system.

System cold start initiated by operator

System cold start initiated by operator.

System factory reset

Server restart initiated by factory reset.

System warm start

System warm start initiated by system.

System warm start initiated by operator

System warm start initiated by operator.

  • System Alarm ID List
  • System Alarms
  • System Alarm ID A-D
  • System Alarm ID E-L
  • System Alarm ID M-NW8 R
  • System Alarm ID NW8 S-NW8 Z
  • System Alarm ID T-X