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User Interface

User Interface

Products: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Functionalities: Alarms
Product version: 3.2, 3.3, 2022

Create Object Wizard - Configure Email Page

Use the Configure Email page to configure the email properties of the notification.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Configure Email page

Configure Email page

Table: Configure Email Page




Type the subject text or the substitution code for the subject text the email notification is to have when sent.

To users and groups

Click the browse button to open the Users and Groups dialog box where you select the EcoStruxure Building Operation users or user groups to whom the email notification is to be sent. For more information, see Users and Groups Dialog Box .

To email address

Type the email address of an alternative recipient.

Send as attachment

Select to add send the notification as an attachment in the email.

Attchment filename

Type a file name for the notification attachment.


Click to open the Configure dialog box where you configure a reference for a dynamic attachment file name. For more information, see Configure Dialog Box – Configuration Tab .

Convert to PDF

Select True to convert your notification report to PDF format.

Sign PDF

Select to sign your PDF. Signing of PDF reports will require license. If no valid license is available, the PDF report is generated, but not signed. A red text will be visible on top of the report.

PDF paper size

Select the size of paper to be used for display and print.

PDF page orientation

Select the orientation of page in display and print.

  • Notification Distribution Methods
  • Creating an Alarm Triggered Notification
  • Configuring an Alarm Triggered Notification 
  • Creating a Variable Triggered Notification
  • Configuring a Variable Triggered Notification
  • Users and Groups Dialog Box
  • Alarm Triggered Notification View
  • Variable Triggered Notification View
  • Configure Dialog Box – Configuration Tab
  • EcoStruxure Building Operation Software Licensing Overview